Replacing a hydraulic pump for a Oxford hoist, whether it be a Oxford Mini 125, Oxford Mini 140, Oxford Midi, Oxford Major or the Oxford Dipper pool hoist is an expense for many owners.However, AAL LTD over a Oxford hoist hydraulic pump refurbishment service.It's 50% less than buying many new pumps.


How does it work?


1. Request our refurbishment service, we will need a serial number off the pump and the Oxford Hoist.


2. We will arrange for pump to be picked up and delivered to the engineering team


3. The team will assess and if it's possible to repair, the work will be carried out within 10 working days.


4. Should the hoist be so damaged it's not feesible to repair, the pump will be returned and the customer will be refunded minus the return postage


5. Work is guaranteed for 12 months.


Should you wish us to repair/refurbish your pump, call 01772 814 555 or contact us via our contact us form.